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Origin of the Red Emerald
Diamond famously utilizes carbon atoms in its crystal lattice, but Emerald is formed on a molecular foundation of beryllium. In...
History's Missing Precious Gemstone
Every precious gemstone has been discovered in every color.
There are diamonds which are pink, sapphires which are green, and now...emerald
What is a Jardin?
Corporations, in their endless battles against one another, adopt various competitive strategies to defeat their opponents. Michael...
The No-Prize
Stan Lee is The Man who helped create the greatest number of superheroes in the modern-day pantheon. I use the word Pantheon with...
What is Your Job?
The Red Emerald has no voice, but my job is to try and serve in that capacity. If the red beryl could speak, what would this gemstone say? I
The Red Emerald Black Album
The Red Emerald Black Album was a limited-edition print of 30 hardcover books given to friends, mentors and professionals to celebrate our T
What is Pezzottaite?
Pezzottaite is a member of the beryl group but a gem species unto itself as a cesium analogue of beryl once mistaken for another red beryl d
What is Benitoite?
The history of Benitoite - California's State Gemstone, a blue jewel with a greater power to disperse light than diamond and one of the
What is a Red Emerald?
The Emerald family of gemstones located all their color variants over a century ago…except the red. The Red Emerald is humanity's last p
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